SSEM Mthembu Medical (Pty) Ltd. market and support a range of haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis products. Our suppliers are well respected in their individual product fields and their dialysis brands are used in multiple countries. We value the inclusion of these products in our consumable dialysis portfolio as we believe these ranges complement each other very well allowing us to offer our clients a comprehensive supply solution.


Kimal acute haemodialysis catheters

The Kimal range of acute haemodialysis catheters allow for safe and reliable vascular access. The catheters are supplied in comprehensive kits containing all insertional components and are available with straight or curved extensions to allow for different vasculature access options.


Bioteq AV fistula needles

  • High quality thin tapered design needles. which are designed to ensure smooth cannulation. 
  • The special silicone coating of the cannula reduces the risk of bleeding and ensures optimal wound healing.
  • Textured and concave-convex buckle designs on wings allow convenient clench, easy control of the insertion power and angle. wound healing.
  • Safety needles consist of Patented protective guard is designed with operation ease in mind to assist with fully protection to prevent needle stick injuries.

Available in various sizes across 5 different configurations:

  • Rotating hub AV Fistula Needles
  • Fixed hub AV Fistula Needles
  • Safety  Guard AV Fistula Needles
  • Black eye or without Black Eye

 Download Bioteq AV Fistula Catalogue


Kimal Renal Products

Kimal have been involved in the renal care market manufacturing products for over 30 years. The K-Flow® Epic® Dialysis portfolio spans from Acute and Chronic Haemodialysis catheters to Peritoneal Dialysis consumables. This comprehensive product offering affords SSEM Mthembu Medical (Pty) Ltd. the opportuntiy to support our Dialysis Unit clients with individual tailored solutions and services.

The K-Flow® Epic® range of access catheters cover short term and long term HD therapies and are available in a variety of configurations for different treatment modalities. The Peritoneal Dialysis products too cater for a large patient population and are availalbe in comprehensive kits or as stand alone items. All of the Kimal catheters offer exceptional flow rates and performance statistics.

The product offering is further complimented by a number of dialysis accessories, including introducer sets.

The newest addition to the portfolio, Altius Acute RD catheter, has revolutionised the traditional HD catheter design. Providing features never before seen on a dialysis catheter, this innovative product is sure to lead the way for exciting new consumable products in the dialysis industry.

Altius® RT Acute is a soft, flexible polyurathane haemodialysis catheter which provides maximum patient safety and improved performance


Download KFE Dialysis Catheter Overview

Download KFE Acute Single Lumen HD Brochure

Download KFE Acute HD Catheter Dual Lumen Brochure

Download KFE Chronic HD Catheter Brochure

Download KFE Chronic Retro HD Brochure

Download KFE Chronic Retro Split HD Brochure

Download KFE Peritoneal Dialysis Brochure

Download Altius RT Dialysis Brochure

Polymed Catheters

Polymed manufacture the following renal products

  • Haemodialysis Catheters
  • Acute Catheters 
    • Single Lumen
    • Double Lumen
    • Tripple Lumen 
  • PD Catheters

Download Polymed Catalogue

Dialyser reprocessing consumables: Medivators® Dialyser

The Medivators® Dialyser reprocessing consumables are used in conjunction with the Renatron and Renalog Dialyser Reprocessing System. Consumables include:

  • Renalin 100 Reprocessing Solution
  • Formula 409 Cleaner
  • Perassay test strips 
  • Renalin Residue test strips
  • Dialyser ports and reprocessing caps

Download Additional Information for the Medivators Renatron Consumables